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  • Career
  • retirement

Happy Retirement: Retirement Guidelines for an SLP

Do you find yourself asking, "When can I retire?" Blogger, Julie Lindstrom shares her personal retirement experience and how she "double dips" (receives her state's pension while working in another state). Read on for more of Julie's pearls of wisdom of a not too distant future.

By: Julie Ryan Lindstrom

  • IEP

What the heck are you talking about?

Amanda Blackwell, our newest member of the Toolkit family, explains how to make IEP meeting lingo accessible to all families. She points out that our role as SLPs is to ensure that families know that **they** are the experts of their child. We are simply here to help define and reach their child's goals.

By: Dr. Amanda Blackwell

  • Podcast

True Confessions Episode 38: We often wonder...why do we pay ASHA dues?

Marie Ireland in the confessional for an insightful conversation about ASHA's role in our professional lives. Marie has served on various ASHA committees and as the VP for SLP Practice. If you have ever found yourself asking, 'What does ASHA do for me?' or 'Why do I pay dues to ASHA?' this episode is for you!
  • Time Management

The Importance of Interdisciplinary Practice in the School Setting

We know that interdisciplinary practice is vital for our students' success. This collaborative process may come easy to some of us but may not necessarily for the rest of us. Take a read as blogger, Sarah Bromley, shares not only the collaborative mindset but how she initiates collaboration in just a few moments every day. 

By: Sarah B. Bromley

  • caseload management
  • IEP
  • School SLP

Dear ASHA: Here's What School SLPs Want You To Know

Results from a survey of nearly 500 school SLPs. How do you compare? Where do we go from here?

By: Lisa

  • Podcast

True Confessions Episode 36: We need to facilitate more and talk less.

Dr. Erik Raj is in the confessional and he is truly a walking inspirational quote! If you caught Erik's SLP Summit presentation, then you know he is not only a joy to listen to but full of innovative ideas and passionate about this field. We always say all students should have the opportunity to work with him! During our conversation, Erik answers questions about using video games in therapy as well as provides an insight that gave each of us several A-ha moments that will genuinely improve how we work with students!
  • Podcast

True Confessions Episode 35: We should use the tools that give us the information we need.

We have Rebecca Reinking from Adventures in Speech Pathology in the confessional!!! Her course on minimal pairs at our most recent SLP Summit was wildly popular and we had an opportunity to sit down and ask her all of your burning questions! This episode is packed with specifics about using minimal pairs to treat phonological patterns as well as other tools for speech treatment toolkit!
  • aac

Promoting Generalization with AAC Users

Using AAC is about so much more than just what goes on in our therapy rooms. These students are practically learning to use a whole new language. Here are some tips and tricks to promote generalization with the AAC users that you work with.

By: Jesse Kleinman

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