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  • Articulation
  • Podcast

We have been interpreting the articulation norms all wrong.

According to a new speech sound, infographic children should be able to produce /r/ by age 5! What does this mean for school-based SLPs? Check out our latest podcast episode to find out!

By: Sarah

  • diversity
  • cultural awareness

Black Mermaids are Real: Improving Cultural Competence in Speech Therapy

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) defines cultural competence as "understanding and appropriately responding to the unique combination of cultural variables and the full range of dimensions of diversity that the professional and client/patient/family bring to interactions." In this post, guest author Maria Dixon, M.A. CCC-SLP, shares how to incorporate fairy tales featuring characters with brown skin to not just address speech-language goals but also to support and encourage conversation about diversity in the speech room.
  • apraxia
  • Present Level Assessments

Childhood Apraxia or Not Childhood Apraxia...That is the Question

Determining a differential diagnosis between childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and other speech disorders (e.g. phonological processing disorder or speech delay) can be difficult, but does not require a medical diagnosis. CAS diagnosis IS within the scope of practice of a speech-language pathologist. All an SLP needs is the right set of tools to help guide clinical judgment! Check out this post to find out more!

Four Tips for Working with Mixed Groups in Speech Therapy

Working with groups of students who all have different communication needs can be challenging. In this post, guest authors Sarah and Sarie from SLP Happy Hour share some of their favorite tips for successfully managing mixed groups in speech therapy.
  • SLP Summit

Top 5 Takeaways from SLP Summit January 2019

SLP Summit January 2019 was a blast! Read here to learn more about our top five takeaways from this amazing free online conference, created by SLPs for SLPs.

By: Lisa

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