True Confessions Episode 34: Competition was a distraction and came from a place of fear.
Marisha Mets from SLP Now is in the confessional and it's about dang time! In this episode, we chat about how we met, how SLP Summit came to be, and how our collaboration hasn't always been smooth sailing! There was a point when SLP Toolkit and SLP Now became less complimentary and more competitive and we candidly discuss how we worked through it and chose collaboration over competition!
Use Your CCCs: Cultural Responsiveness, Connection, and Compassion - SLP Summit Q&A
In Jordyn Carroll's live SLP Summit course, Use Your CCCs: Cultural Responsiveness, Connection, and Compassion, she covered a ton of powerful content and received many questions! Jordyn answers some of those questions here.
True Confessions Episode 33: We Did Not Have Our Ducks in a Row
We're back! Where have we been? Well, all over the place really! Listen to our latest edition of True Confessions.
AAC and AT in the Early Childhood Classroom: Engineering the Environment for Success
Whether your therapy sessions are in person or remote right now, we invite you to take a peek into this delightful preschool classroom that surrounds students with purposeful and honored communication in all its forms. Blogger Abbie Keibler’s charming depiction of Ms. Kory’s classroom will entice you to stay for low/high tech AAC highlights and maybe even some animal crackers to go with it. Her message of inclusion, care, acceptance, and individual expression transcends the preschool setting. This piece provides best practice for a language-rich environment where every opportunity to be heard is possible.
A Novel Idea: Using Books as Assessment Tools
We all know the benefits of using books in therapy but there seems to be little talk about using books as an assessment tool. Read on to find out how you can use books to get more information about a student's language skills when determining eligibility for speech and language disorders.
True Confessions Episode 32: And if there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it
Our guest in the confessional is Jesse Kleinman, an SLP in Brooklyn, NY! There is nothing we love more than when someone has a problem and they create a solution! Jesse shares how she handled the transition from in-person SLP to teletherapist and the lessons she has learned along the way!